Galvanizing Communities in Support of the Arts

Sep 28, 2023


Supervisor Kathryn Barger has introduced an important motion honoring The County Department of Arts and Culture and uplifting the impact of the arts on the economy and the general well being of Angelenos across the County. It will be on the next Board of Supervisors agenda: October 3, 2023 as Item #13.

The motion states “As the Los Angeles County Department of Arts and Culture, with the Arts Commission, celebrates its 75th anniversary, and the Arts Education Collective celebrates its 20th anniversary, we’re reminded of the longstanding role of the arts in our neighborhoods.”

The motion also:

  • Instructs the CEO to work with County departments to promote arts and culture events, educational materials, and resources, including content for social media.
  • Establishes a social media campaign to build public will and knowledge around the arts.
  • Instructs the Department of Arts and Culture to create a virtual map of arts programs in the County.
  • Requests cross departmental collaboration to identify potential opportunities for grant support, arts education, internships, and pathways.


Submit Written Comment Here in Support of Item 13

Suggested Talking Points:

  • LA ranks #1 in the nation for arts providers per capita but #259 in government funding allocation.
  • With nonprofit performing arts organizations shuttering, canceling programming, and laying off staff, it is more vital than ever to uplift and invest in the arts and culture sector.
  • In a 2023 report by CVL Economics on California’s live performing arts sector, state and local governments lost nearly $1 billion in tax revenue due to pandemic impacts on the performing arts in 2021 alone, and if current trends continue, state and local governments could see a combined $4.1 billion loss in tax revenue over a four-year period.
  • In July, the Department of Arts and Culture made a historic investment of $31 million in arts funding to nonprofits, $26 million of which was through the American Rescue Plan Act, the largest public sector arts grant program in the history of the region. Though this is a major step forward, we must sustain this support.
  • The arts are so much more than mere entertainment and play a pivotal role in society: they serve as a reflection of our culture and history. They promote social cohesion and bring people from diverse backgrounds together, encouraging dialogue, and bridging gaps in understanding.
  • Active participation in the arts, whether through creation or appreciation, enhances cognitive abilities, creativity, and critical thinking skills. This not only enriches individuals but also contributes to a more innovative and civically engaged society.
  • I encourage your unanimous support of this motion and urge you to increase funding for programs like the OGP at The Department of Arts and Culture.