La’Toya Cooper

La’Toya Cooper is a hardworking mother of two beautiful kings. She was born and raised in Los Angeles Ca where she became a victim and survivor of the child welfare system. She is a proud advocate to help change this system for our future and our children’s future. La’Toya is a part of Lens Co’s collaborative project developing a Young Person Led Intermediary. She is also a part of The LA County Youth Commission where, along with other young leaders, she is a current voice for the young people in our county. La’Toya is passionate about fighting the injustice of probation, child welfare, and the homeless systems creatively . Her passion is expressive writing and helping others. She strives to be the best authentic person she can be despite the odds against her. “I want to travel the world to meet every race and experience every culture. I’m done surviving I want to live.”